As with everything, if you want to see them, pick up this remake to show support for it and they'll likely reward fan interest with the rest of the trilogy. I'd expect to see them at some point in the future, maybe a year or so after 3 releases. Two for the price of one is always tempting, even if one of them is a fraction the size of the other.

Dragon Quest 2 can take about as long as 3, maybe a little less, so tacking on DQ1 as a way to make the release more appealing would be a good marketing move. Considering the original Dragon Quest can be finished in roughly 8 hours (less if you're a veteran player), it would probably put a bad taste in people's mouths if you tried to sell it as a full-price game just because it got a pretty facelift. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see a 1&2 remake bundled into a single release similar to the SNES cartridge. So yeah, 3 is first in line (and kind of logically so) because it has a much deeper story than the first two and is the most popular of that trilogy. He then went on to say that he personally wants to see them made so he'll do his best to make it happen, and got buzzed again, so basically Squeenix *really* didn't want him to say that or commit to making them, but he didn't give a fuck because he's Yuji Hori and what are they gonna do to him? The host even jokingly commented, something to the effect of "Well now that you've said it you kind of have to right?" Yuji Hori was on the stream it was announced on (which was their first international live stream and *man* was it a hot mess and fairly underwhelming) and when they revealed it the host even asked "Why Dragon Quest 3?" and he basically told him that 3 was always incredibly popular and has a bit deeper story than 1 and 2, so they decided to go with it for the 2DHD treatment, then went on to say that if it does well he wants to go back and do the other two, and the rest of the team wants to make them as well, at which point he basically got buzzed by the corporate stooge standing off camera for saying something he wasn't supposed to. I wonder what they're going to be doing with the first two games? I remember hearing that they're doing the trilogy. For once Square has actually made a remaster which will be eventually everywhere that I approve of completely.

It's like one of the DS games but using the Switch's hardware to be way better.

Weird name, but I do love the look of it.